Watanabe Seitei 渡辺省亭 | Picture Album of Birds and Flowers (Kachō gafu) 華鳥画譜 | Japan | Meiji period (1868–1912) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Watanabe Seitei 渡辺省亭 | Picture Album of Birds and Flowers (Kachō gafu) 華鳥画譜 | Japan | Meiji period (1868–1912) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,天才艺术家的合作,Miwa Ryosaku 三輪龍作, The Scripture of HIMIKO 卑弥呼の書, 1990's | Dai Ichi Arts | Japanese Modern Art,Works - Ceramic Frontiers | Dai Ichi Arts | Japanese Modern Art,Miwa Ryosaku 三輪龍作, The Scripture of HIMIKO 卑弥呼 | Dai Ichi Arts | Japanese Modern Art