WORKS 1993-1996 by Rita Ackermann [SIGNED] – twelvebooks
WORKS 1993-1996 by Rita Ackermann [SIGNED] – twelvebooks,Rita Ackermann works 1996-1993 リタ・アッカーマン作品集 - 東京 下北沢 クラリスブックス 古本の買取・販売|哲学思想・文学・アート・ファッション・写真・サブカルチャー,New Upload: Rita Ackermann Works 1993-1996. In 1997, Rita Ackermann released a limited edition book of the works she created between 1993 and 1996. This issue of H Magazine, a subsidiary of,リタ アッカーマン Rita Ackermann works 1996-1993,New Upload: Rita Ackermann Works 1993-1996. In 1997, Rita Ackermann released a limited edition book of the works she created between 1993 and 1996. This issue of H Magazine, a subsidiary of