スリクソン ZXi7 アイアン N.S.PRO MODUS3 TOUR 105 スチールシャフト 単品 | ダンロップスポーツ公式オンラインストア,Dynamic characteristics and chatter prediction of thin-walled workpieces in dual-robot mirror milling based on surrogate model of support parameters - ScienceDirect,Amorphous NiMoP patchy nanospheres enfolded by rGO sheets for efficient oxygen evolution reaction and durable supercapacitor electrodes - ScienceDirect,RBFNN-Based Adaptive Fixed-Time Sliding Mode Tracking Control for Coaxial Hybrid Aerial–Underwater Vehicles Under Multivariant Ocean Disturbances,A finite-strain micromechanical model for the hyperelasticity of tendons and ligaments with crimped fibers - ScienceDirect